Cafe Prigipos - Thessaloniki - Cafe - Restaurant - Bar - Traditional Dishes

Cafe Prigipos - Thessaloniki - Cafe - Restaurant - Bar - Traditional Dishes

38206 Visitors:
Address: Apostolou Pavlou 22
Area: Thessaloniki
Telephone: 2310248188
Mobile: -
P.C.: 54634
Category: CAFÉ
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
The traditional cafe Prigipos is waiting for you in the center of Thessaloniki and welcomes you in a warm and welcoming environment. We operate from early in the morning until late at night, offering you coffee, beer, drinks and food for every taste. Our staff, friendly and helpful, are always at your disposal for whatever you need. We have a comprehensive list of Greek jealousies combining it with exquisite flavors. Our cafe is open all year round and a visit will convince you to make it ...
38206 Visitors:

Apostolou Pavlou 22, Thessaloniki

38206 Visitors:

The traditional cafe Prigipos is waiting for you in the center of Thessaloniki and welcomes you in a warm and welcoming environment. We operate from early in the morning until late at night, offering you coffee, beer, drinks and food for every taste.

Our staff, friendly and helpful, are always at your disposal for whatever you need. We have a comprehensive list of Greek jealousies combining it with exquisite flavors.

Our cafe is open all year round and a visit will convince you to make it your next hangout in the city of Thessaloniki.


Coffees - drinks
Traditional Dishes
Ouzo - tsipouro - drinks
Soft drinks - natural juices
38206 Visitors:

Apostolou Pavlou 22

Telephone: 2310248188

Working Hours
